Story Time with Stonington Fire Department

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

SPL story time returns to Stonington Fire Department! The fire department crew will come to the library to read aloud to kids and their families, and following the story, they’ll invite everyone over to the fire department for a guided tour and look behind the scenes. All welcome, no registration required.

Edible Island: Irish Soda Bread

Healthy Island Project Kitchen 91 S Burnt Cove Rd, Stonington, ME

Edible Island is back with another workshop, and just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! Learn how to make Irish soda bread with Lorraine Coakley. RSVP by contact information below.

Rosswords: Crosswords with Chris

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Grab your pencils and sharpen your minds. The key to becoming a better solver is not knowing lots of trivia BUT in training your mind to stay flexible when solving. Don’t get boxed in, think outside the box! Ideally for solvers ages 14 & up. The workshop will meet on Sunday, February 23rd and March … Continue reading "Rosswords: Crosswords with Chris"

Read with Tenny – a Pre-K program

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Visit and read with certified therapy dog, Tenny, on the second Tuesday of every month at 11am. His person, Jessica Shively, will bring him by SPL to meet some of our youngest patrons and their families. It's a chance for kids to learn new ways of interacting with a dog and with each other in … Continue reading "Read with Tenny – a Pre-K program"

Build Your Own Board Game!

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Do you have a knack for design, math, art, or Dungeons & Dragons? Then join Jordan in making your very own board game this winter. By the end of the workshop, you will have a game that you can take home and force your friends and family to play! All ages. The workshop will meet … Continue reading "Build Your Own Board Game!"