Build Your Own Board Game!

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Do you have a knack for design, math, art, or Dungeons & Dragons? Then join Jordan in making your very own board game this winter. By the end of the workshop, you will have a game that you can take home and force your friends and family to play! All ages. The workshop will meet … Continue reading "Build Your Own Board Game!"

Read with Tenny – a Pre-K program

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Visit and read with certified therapy dog, Tenny, on the second Tuesday of every month at 11am. His person, Jessica Shively, will bring him by SPL to meet some of our youngest patrons and their families. It's a chance for kids to learn new ways of interacting with a dog and with each other in … Continue reading "Read with Tenny – a Pre-K program"

The Serviceberry – A Public Conversation

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

We continue our public conversation series with a discussion of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s newest book, The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World,with the option to join in person or via Zoom. Co-hosted by SPL and Linda Nelson, Stonington economic and community development director. RSVP to email address below.

Music with Abby – a Pre-K program

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Let's get musical! Explore rhythm and music with island singer, songwriter, and musician Abby Litman on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 11am. Kids won't be hushed for making noise in the library. In fact, they'll be encouraged.

Reader’s Choice: American Born Chinese

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Reader's Choice: Pat Dobbs American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang MILS catalog record “All Jin Wang wants is to fit in. When his family moves to a new neighborhood, he suddenly finds he’s the only Chinese-American student at his school. • Born to rule over all the monkeys in the world, the story of the Monkey … Continue reading "Reader’s Choice: American Born Chinese"