Hand-Braided Rag Rug Workshop

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Taught by Shannon Lindsay & Mary Ann O'Rourke Learn how to repurpose your old shirts and save them from a landfill. We've got plenty of material to get participants started. Bring fabric scissors if you have some. RSVP to the email below. Rugs pictured above were made by Shannon Lindsay and are on display at … Continue reading "Hand-Braided Rag Rug Workshop"

Rosswords: Crosswords with Chris

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Grab your pencils and sharpen your minds. The key to becoming a better solver is not knowing lots of trivia BUT in training your mind to stay flexible when solving. Don’t get boxed in, think outside the box! Ideally for solvers ages 14 & up. The workshop will meet on Sunday, February 23rd and March … Continue reading "Rosswords: Crosswords with Chris"

Reader’s Choice: Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Reader's Choice: Anneli Sundqvist Enormous Changes at the Last Minute by Grace Paley MaineCat catalog record (SPL copy on order) “In this collection of short stories, originally published in 1974, Grace Paley ‘makes the novel as a form seem virtually redundant’ (Angela Carter, London Review of Books). Her stories here capture ‘the itch of the city, love between parents … Continue reading "Reader’s Choice: Enormous Changes at the Last Minute"

Music with Abby – a Pre-K program

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Let's get musical! Explore rhythm and music with island singer, songwriter, and musician Abby Litman on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 11am. Kids won't be hushed for making noise in the library. In fact, they'll be encouraged.

Build Your Own Board Game!

Stonington Public Library 64 Main Street, Stonington, ME

Do you have a knack for design, math, art, or Dungeons & Dragons? Then join Jordan in making your very own board game this winter. By the end of the workshop, you will have a game that you can take home and force your friends and family to play! All ages. The workshop will meet … Continue reading "Build Your Own Board Game!"