Closed Today 2/13/25

Tried holding out hope that SPL would open today. Alas, it’s too nasty, and there’s no reason to venture out unless you absolutely have to venture out. SPL will be open tomorrow Fri. Feb. 14th from 10am-4pm and Sat. Feb. 15th from 10am-12pm.

And while our doors won’t open today, our collection of digital resources is ALWAYS available. Visit our resources page for ebooks, audiobooks, streaming video, and more!

Closed Today 12/24/24

We had planned to be open for a few hours today. Then snow happened, so instead, SPL is closed today, Tues 12/24. We will open for our regular hours on Thur 12/26 from 12-6. Stay home, stay safe, stay warm. Need a good snow day activity? Read!

Closing Early Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve

Happy holidays! SPL will close early on Christmas Eve, Tues. 12/24, and New Year’s Eve, Tues. 12/31. We’ll be open both days from 10am to 1pm. Christmas and New Year’s both fall on Wednesdays, when we happen to be closed anyway. Library hours are otherwise unchanged over the holidays.