SPL joined Maine InfoNet Library System or MILS, familiarly. MILS is a shared library system that brings together small libraries of all types from across the state. Our participation means immediately expanded access for SPL patrons from thousands of titles to hundreds of thousands of titles—and millions more through MaineCat. Read on for an outline of how to tap into all the new resources at your fingertips, and check back for upcoming information sessions both in person and online.
First, a little about MILS: patrons can now access their own account to request and renew titles, update account information, save reading history, and more. Your login credentials are your library card barcode and PIN. You can request your information by phone, 367-5926, or email, stonington.public.library@gmail.com. Or drop in for help any time during library hours!
SPL patrons have access to nearly all materials in MILS across all ages, all genres, all formats, including newly released titles. By teaming up with small libraries statewide, SPL can give you more new titles, more large print, more picture books, more audiobooks—simply, MORE! Search MILS for titles/authors/subjects that interest you, and when you find something you want to borrow, click “Place a Request” to get the next available copy or “Add to List” to remember it for later. Once you complete a request, all you have to do is wait. You will receive email or text notification when it is available to pick up at SPL.
Old fashioned browsing is still possible. Come into the library and let serendipity have a hand in the next book you pick. SPL staff are also happy to help you navigate MILS and/or place requests. If there’s an available copy of a title you want somewhere out there, we will work with you to get it into your hands.
MaineCat has millions more titles available to SPL patrons. It works a little differently than MILS. MaineCat is a statewide catalog that combines and links library collections across Maine. You can search the catalog by title, keyword(s), or author, and you will get results for all participating libraries from the small town public libraries to large research collections at university libraries.
SPL patrons can borrow anything from MaineCat that shows as “AVAILABLE” in its request status. To process a request, click “Request This Item.” You will then “choose your home library” from a drop down menu and “submit above information.” To complete the request, you will enter your name, library card number, and click “submit.” When completed, MaineCat will redirect to a page that displays your request status and the lending library.
It’s a lot to process at once, so remember: we are here to help. Call us at 367-5926. Email us at stonington.public.library@gmail.com. Visit us at 64 Main Street.